Erectile Dysfunction – Learn About Factors That Put You At Risk!

Commonly referred to as ED, it is a common problem for the Male but must be treated in an individualized way. By definition, ED is when a man can’t get an erection to have sex or can’t keep an erection long enough to finish having sex. Causes and Risk factors: ED has been noted to be seen in people, who have the following: 1. Smoking/Tobacco/Alcohol use 2. Obesity 3. Advanced age (>60 years) 4. History of diabetes 5. Hypertension 6. Atherosclerosis (hardening of Arteries) 7. Stress/Anxiety or Depression 8. Some medications, such as antidepressants, painkillers and medicine for controlling blood pressure 9. Fatigue 10. Brain or spinal-cord injuries/ Multiple sclerosis/ Parkinson’s disease/Stroke 11. Hypogonadism (which leads to lower testosterone levels) 12. Radiation therapy to the testicles 13. History of some surgical procedures for prostate or bladder Causes: ED has both physiological and psychological reasons. Most common psychological reasons are strained relationships, p...