What Tests Are Done Before A Kidney Transplant?

What Tests Are Done Before A Kidney Transplant? Kidney Transplants are one of the most done surgeries in today’s medical industry. It is done when kidneys lose their ability to filter out wastes from the body. These waste products can build up over time and be potentially life-threatening. These waste products include urea, the by-product of the nitrogenous breakdown of protein. The end-stage of chronic kidney disease or overall kidney failure is the most common reason for needing a kidney transplant . And in many ways, a kidney transplant is regarded as a better solution than dialysis because it promotes a better quality of life and lesser chance of increasing complications. What are the tests done before a kidney transplant? There are many important tests done right before a kidney transplant . The first step is evaluating the condition of the patient, making sure they are physically fit enough to endure the kidney transplant procedur...